Treatment  Approaches

Therapy can be a big step toward being the healthiest version of yourself and living the best life possible—no matter what challenges you may be facing. Through therapy, you can change self-destructive behaviors and habits, resolve painful feelings, improve your relationships, and more.

My practice is trauma-informed, with training in the Attachment, Regulation, and Competency (ARC) model, which focuses on developmental trauma. ARC’s foundation is built upon four key areas of study: normative childhood development, traumatic stress, attachment, and risk and resilience.  Drawing from these areas, ARC identifies important skills and competencies which are routinely shown to be negatively affected by traumatic stress and by attachment disruptions, and which – when addressed – predict resilient outcomes.

My therapeutic orientation is predominantly based on Behavioral therapy. I believe that action (behavior), feelings (emotions), and thoughts (cognition) are all interrelated. Being depressed is certainly a feeling; however, it involves negative thinking and a lack of energy for action. On the brighter side, love is an emotion tied to positive thinking in most cases and boundless energy. People who seek support at times may be dealing with some type of unbalance between these three components for which they may not have or have unhealthy coping mechanisms.

I have seen through many therapeutic alliances that when a healthy balance is present between cognition, emotions, and behavior; the issues usually are less stressful or simply disappear. I also hold evidence-based practices such as CBT, DBT, family systems theory, and trauma-informed care in high regard, as I’ve seen how effectively they can bring about positive change in a person’s life.  

Beyond technique and theory is the realm of the therapeutic relationship: the ongoing human-to-human connection that provides the foundation for change.

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